Monday, December 13, 2010

How to Be Attractive to Men

Are you ready to learn exactly what it take to make your man fall madly in love with you? Are you looking for ways to connect with your man on a deeper level? Are you nervous that your guy might one day lose interest, or just confused as to what makes men tick? Is it time to learn exactly what it takes to how to be attractive to men?

First, you have to know that it's going to take some effort. It hurts a little to say it, but most men can be pretty fickle. Maybe that adds to the difficulty in understanding them. But don't worry. You're not alone. Many women struggle to understand what it is that men find irresistible.

It goes without saying that men are more tuned into physical attributes. That's a given. But most women stop there and think that's the only thing. If you think men don't go any deeper than that, then you will always have to worry about how long your guy is going to stick around. There's always going to be other attractive females. What you need to know is that it's not what you look like that's going to get your man to a point where he can't stop thinking about you all day long. It goes much deeper than how you do your makeup.

Here's the good news. You're in control. You're a woman. You already possess everything you need to make him fall madly in love with you. You can make him agree with you and see your point of view. You can make him beg you to marry him and spend the rest of your life with him. That's right. You already have that power. And no, you don't have to turn into someone else and act like someone you're not.

It is easy to become the type of woman that your man will never want to be without. By being yourself, with no phoniness, even acknowldeging your flaws, it's possible to make him enjoy every moment with you.

First, be interesting. Do you have hobbies that you are passionate about? Are you involved in projects in your community? What is it that makes you intriguing? Find ways to add a few facets to your life. If your daily routine revolves around TV shows and celebrities, there's not much there that a guy is going to want to know about. Dig deeper, get out of your house and get involved in activities that excite you.

Don't be a pushover. Know what's going on in the world and have an opinion, and don't be afraid to disagree. Have you ever watched two guys go back and forth over a current news topic, talking for an hour, each trying to convince the other that he is right. Men love a good debate. Make sure you have your own thoughts about what's happpening around you aond don't get caught simply agreeing all the time. Your challenges will make him think about you later and want more.

Shake it up every once in a while. Try new things, change your hair color, buy a dog, whatever you feel comfortable with that will make him realize there's more to you that he hasn't discovered yet. As soon as he thinks he has you all figured out, throw out another twist at him. Keep him intrigued!

Here's the last tip. Have you ever seen a man when he's sick? Even the toughest of guys turn into sissies at the slightest cold. And guess what...they love to be taken care of. Now I'm not saying you need to slave away all day in the kitchen, waiting on your guy hand and foot. So lame. But do find ways to do nice things for him, even if they're not every day. A little back rub goes a long way. Surprising him with a ticket to an event he'd like is a fantastic idea. And of course there's food. Every man loves a chance to eat his favorite food when he doesn't have to cook it. These little acts make him feel cared for and appreciated, and there's no underestimating how far that will go.

So, are physical attributes important? Sure, but not as much as you think they are. Are men dumb creatures that so many TV show characters would make us believe? No, there is more to them than sex and football. If you're really interested in knowing how to win over any guy and be unforgettable, I recommend this guide which will teach you exactly how to be attractive to men and find the relationship you dream of.

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